June USDA report out this morning didn't add any fuel to the grain markets. US corn numbers remain unchanged, soybean ending stocks were raised 10 million bushels for 23/24 and 24/25. World ending stocks down a small amount across corn, beans, and wheat. Brazil saw a small reduction to their 23/24 production.
Had an export sale of 106,000 metric tons to China for the 23/24 marketing year reported this morning.
Nearby Corn up 4 3/4 @ $4.29
Fall 24 Corn up 3 1/2 @ $4.34
Nearby Beans down 3/4 @ $11.50
Fall 24 Beans down 4 1/4 @ $11.09
July Wheat down 9 1/2 @ $5.62
6/12/2024 -MH